Greensborough (NC) Patriot
January 22, 1863
Page 3
Yankee Prisoners and Deserters
learn from the Richmond
papers that a large number of deserters from the Yankee army and paroled
prisoners, who have taken the oath of allegiance to the Confederate Government,
have been employed in various foundries and shops in and around Richmond. The Examiner says, quite complaisantly, that
the many artizans [sic] and workmen of various crafts
will be useful in Government employ.
Southern employees in all such establishments ought to protest against this
measure. A more direct insult cannot be
offered to Southern mechanics, than placing by their sides those who originally
came to the South with the avowed object of plundering, murdering and
stealing. The mechanical genius of the
South is not inferior to that of any country, and surely the services of Yankee
freebooters should be dispensed with, in justice to our own artizans,
to say nothing of the retrograde movement towards Southern independence, which
great object we had formerly been taught this war was to accomplish.