Hillsborough (NC) Recorder

June 12, 1861

Page 3


                                    FIENDISH OUTRAGE BY YANKEE TROOPS

Under the heading of “latest from Fortress Monroe,” the Baltimore “South,” of Wednesday afternoon publishes the following:

“Great excitement has been produced at Old Point by an outrage perpetrated by government soldiers on Saturday last.  It appears that a party of them had gone to a gentleman’s house nearby, and assaulted a young lady some sixteen years of age, with the design to outrage her person.  Her father, an aged man, came to her assistance, when these fiends seized him, and threatened his life if he raised an alarm; and with a revolver pointed at his head, he was forced to witness the consummation of their villainous purpose upon the person of his child.  General Butler was yesterday engaged in examining into the case, but the result had not transpired when the steamer left.  Constant complaints are being made to the officers there, by persons living in the vicinity, whose lands and dwellings have been invaded by the government soldiers, who steal whatever they fancy from their houses, and carry off chickens, sheep and hogs whenever they can find them.