Greensborough Patriot
Sep. 11, 1862
Page 4
GEN. STUART AND THE MILLER—On the recent scouting expedition to Massaponax Church, Gen. Stuart rode up to a mill around which the enemy had just been encamped, to see what information he could obtain. The old miller looked at how closely, and said:
“Seems like I’ve seen you afore.”
“Yes,” said the General, “I was here, you recollect, on a scout a few days ago. My name is Stuart.”
The old fellow seemed much pleased.
“General,” he said, “they were all around here last night and this morning. They said you had been bothering them a long time with your cavalry, but now they were going to get in your rear and cut you off, and the first thing they knowed you drapped [sic] right in behind them! Ha! Ha! Ha! Give it to ‘em General!”
[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]