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June 9, 1861

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The Fights at Acquia Creek.—A correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch, writing from Fredericksburg under date of June 1st, gives the following account of the first and second attacks on the Acquia Creek batteries:

I have just returned from our batteries at Acquia Creek, where I witnessed the fight of yesterday and today, between four or five U. S. steamers and our battery at the Creek.

On Thursday evening last four U. S. steamers, one of them the “Anacosta,” were seen lying off “Maryland Point,” and our brave boys anticipating a brush, prepared at once to give them a warm reception.

On Friday morning about 10 o’clock; the “Anacosta” and three other steamers were ____ to get under way, and approaching within two and a half miles of the battery, opened fire on it.  Our boys promptly responded and the fire was continued for an hour and a half between the steamers and battery, when Walker’s Flying artillery, supported by the R. L. I. Blues, Capt. Wise, of your city, came up with a ra__ from Marlboro Point, and opened on the steamers, the fire continuing for an hour and a half.  During the engagement several men were seen to fall on the steamers, and it is generally believed that at least ___ of the vessels was badly injured as all of them withdrew from the fight about 6 o’clock.  During the engagement a shot from a rifle piece on one of the steamers passed over our battery about 200 yards over head, and fell two miles in rear.  The men in the battery sustained no injury, the only damage done being the tearing to pieces of the officers quarters by a shell from the enemy’s gun.

To-day about 11 o’clock the “Anacosta,” a large three masted steam propeller, supposed to be the Pawnee, and four other vessels, came in sight, three of the steamers opening on our battery.  The fight was continued for six hours, the vessels firing 599 shot at us without doing the slightest injury, nonwithstanding the fact that the shell fell thick as hail around our battery, and one of them passed through a port hole and exploded in our midst.  Our battery fired 100 shots many of which took affect on the vessels one of them carrying away the flag of the Anacosta, and another cutting down the mast of the large propeller.  The last shot fired was from one of Walker’s rifle pieces, which ricochetted and struck the large steamer just above water line, immediately after which the fleet got under way and moved off, probably to repair damages.

During the fight our men were as cool as icebergs, every one exhibiting a bravery and determination that would have done credit to veteran soldiers.

During the two days’ fight none of our men were killed, and only one of them slightly injured—not enough to prevent his taking part in the fight.  Should the enemy attempt to effect a landing at the Creek hereafter, you will then learn with certainty that somebody has been hurt.


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