Mobile Register

June 21, 1861

Page 2


For the War!


            A few GOOD and ABLE-BODIED MEN to fill up the ranks of the MOBILE SCOTCH GUARDS, and to whom Uniform and Equipment will be furnished free and of any expense.  None but those who are ready and willing to go to Virginia will be accepted.

            Apply to the Orderly Sergeant at the Company’s Armory, over MAIL LINE Office.

By order of the Captain,

JOHN JACK, Secretary M. S. Guards

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Mobile Scotch Guards—Attention!

            Attend a MEETING of your Company, at the Armory, THIS EVENING, at 8 o’clock.  A full attendance is particularly requested, as business of importance will be brought before the Company.

By order of the Captain,

JOHN JACK, Secretary


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]