Elberton Star (GA)

January 10, 1911

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Marshall Hill, Old Confederate Veteran and Tax Collector, is Dead

            Death claimed one of Elbert’s best citizens last Sunday morning at 10 o’clock when Mr. J. M. Hill peacefully passed away after a long illness.  He was the father of a large family of children, all of whom are married except the youngest daughter, Miss Clara.  She with her father has been living with their sister and daughter, Mrs. P. F. Stratton, in Gaines district, and it was here that Mr. Hill died.

            The deceased was one of the bravest soldiers that went from Elbert in the sixties.  He left a leg on the battlefield.  In times of peace, he was the same true and loyal citizen.  He served Elbert as tax collector some twenty-five years ago, and was widely known and highly respected.

            His remains were buried at New Bethel Monday morning at 11 o’clock.  Rev. G. W. Tumlin conducted the funeral services which were attended by a large number of friends.


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]