Mobile Register

July 4, 1861

Page 2


A Mounted Regiment for the War

            In our yesterday’s issue we noted the fact that COL. WIRT ADAMS, of Mississippi, had received authority from the Confederate Government to raise a regiment of mounted men to serve for the war.  This being the first cavalry regiment authorized to be raised in the Cotton States, it will doubtless attract the attention and excite the military ardor of the young men who prefer that dashing and gallant arm of the service.

            In connection with this subject we mention that we have seen a letter from Col. Adams, addressed to Capt. JAMES HOGAN, of this city, authorizing him to receive three or four Alabama companies for this regiment.  It is proposed to arm the different companies with rifles or double barrel guns, according to the taste and experience of the different companies in the use of these arms.  CAPT. HOGAN, as an experienced cavalry officer, strongly recommends the double barrel gun as the most effectual weapon for mounted men.  The other arms will be sabre and pistol.  The members of the corps are to mount, arm and equip themselves.  The horses may be obtained at home and transported or bought in Virginia.  A general rendezvous for the regiment will shortly be announced.

            PAUL RAVESIES, Esq., of this city, is raising one of the companies.  Young men who desire to engage in the enterprise can obtain all requisite information on application to Capt. HOGAN.


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]