From The Greensborough Patriot
Jan. 9, 1862 – Pg. 1
A Screw Loose.
are not disposed to complain of our State or Confederate authorities, or to
copy many complaints of both that we find in our exchange papers. But the following is so singular a case, presented
by a well known Democrat, and published in a Democratic paper, that we think it
but right to copy it. Capt. Graves is
from Caswell, of which county he was formerly a Representative in the
Legislature:--Fayetteville Observer.
the Raleigh Standard.
RUFFIN, Dec’r 21, 1861—Mr. Editor—Dear Sir:--A short
time since, I visited Raleigh for the purpose of obtaining an order for cloth
to make overcoats for the men whom I have the honor of commanding. I was told by the authorities I could not get
one, they having some time previous resolved not to give any more orders. Whilst begging and pleading with all my
power, and reminding them that they had given other Captains in the regiment
orders for full suits and more, they or one of them had, a few days previous,
given an order to a merchant in my county, for two hundred and fifty yards, who
was selling it for one dollar and fifty cents per yard, in came a Colonel of a
regiment not yet in actual service, and applied for an order to clothe his regiment,
at which time and in my presence, he was refused. When I arrived at the depot on my departure,
I met with the Colonel, and feeling that we were fellow sufferers, I asked him
how he succeeded after I left, and he told me that he got the order. I, of course felt that myself wrote to his
Excellency, the Governor to do me the favor to inquire why it was. I suppose from the vast amount of business he
has declined or neglected to answer, and for the purpose of having the matter
explained, I earnestly request that you do the authorities at Raleigh, my
company, their friends at home and myself, the favor of giving this a place in
your paper.
Your ob’t