Suffolk Christian Sun
February 14, 1862
Page 2
The falling of Roanoke Island into the hands of the enemy, has not
surprised us, as much as it has mortified us.
We were assured several weeks since by one well acquainted with affairs
there that if it should be attacked, that our troops on it would be
sacrificed. Gen. Wise, no doubt saw its
indefensible condition, on his first arrival there, and those who knew him
well, could see in his countenance what his sentiments were. But as a brave and patriotic man, he
determined to do his best. We hope Gen.
Huger may be able to show that there has been no remissness on his part, in
fortifying the Island and ordering troops
there. The papers say that Gen.
Henningson was ordered to the Island by Gen. Wise, and it is believed, if he
had been on the Island with his Artillery, instead of being at Elizabeth City, that they could not have captured
our forces, after landing. Did Gen.
Henningson misunderstand his orders, or were they changed? These questions the public will naturally
enquire into. We again repeat the hope
that all in any way concerned with this matter may be able to show that they
discharged their duty faithfully. But
the Richmond Enquirer, very truly remarks that the present face of the affair
is against some of our officials.
[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]