Greensborough Patriot
Sep. 4, 1862
Page 2
Deserters—I am authorized to offer a
reward of $30 for the apprehension and delivery at Richmond of each of the
following persons—deserters from the Forty-eighth Regiment N. C. Troops:
Charles J. Spoolman, E. P. Snider, T. S. Cecil, C. W.
Cecil, H. Critzfezor, H. Eberhard,
C. C. Fishel, Constantine Miller, H. Painter, T. A.
Porter. All the above are conscripts
except the two first, and deserted immediately after reaching camp. With the exception of E. P. Snider, who is
from Forsyth county, the rest are all from Davidson. $300 will be paid for the apprehension of the
whole lot.
Co. K, Forty-eighth N. C. T.
[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]