Greensborough Patriot
3, 1862
Page 2
Tribute of Respect.
Co. H,
38th N. C. Troops, }
March 17, 1862. }
A meeting of the Uwharie Boys was
called in order to draft resolutions in memory of W. L. Hill, S. M. Bingham,
John Clodfelter, and C. L. Hatcher, deceased.
A. S. Hardister was called to the Chair.—After explaining the object of
the meeting in a brief manner, the Chairman appointed Dr. G. W. Murdoch and J.
L. Andrews to draft suitable resolutions.
A request was made that the Chairman should assist. D. G. McMasters was appointed to act as
Secretary. The following resolutions
were submitted:
WHEREAS, It hath pleased the All
wise Providence in his infinite wisdom to take from our ranks the above-named
soldiers by the ravages of disease.
Therefore be it Resolved,
That in their death our company has lost four of its worthy, upright and
honorable members, the army four of its most noble and brave soldiers.
Resolved Secondly, That while
deeply deploring the loss of our brothers in arms, we are much humiliated, and
mourn the loss of the bereaved and afflicted families, whose sons sickened and
died while in the service of their country.
Resolved Thirdly, That a copy
of these Resolutions be forwarded to the bereaved families, and also to the
Greensboro Patriot and Fayetteville Observer, with a request for publication.
Dr. G.
J. L.
A. S.
D. G.
McMasters, Sec’y.