Hillsborough (NC) Recorder

August 7, 1861

Page 4



            At a meeting of the Flat River Guards, Lieut. Parish commanding, held in Camp Bee, on Wednesday, July 31st, 1861, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:

            Whereas, it has pleased Almighty Godod, in a wise dispensation of His providence, to remove from our midst, from the effects of a mortal wound received on Sunday, the 21st, while gallantly and most heroically fighting in this Company, our highly esteemed and much beloved officer and fellow soldier, Lieut. William P. Mangum, only son of Hon. W. P. Mangum, therefore,

            Resolved, That the loss of so noble and estimable a gentleman is keenly felt and sincerely regretted by us all, for his generous bearing and noble conduct has endeared him to each and every one of us.

            Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the family of the deceased, and mingle our tears of condolence with theirs for the loss of their only son and brother.

            Resolved, That we repair to the spot where he so gallantly fought and received his wound, and fire the customary military salute, and that we wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days.

            Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be sent to the bereaved family, spread on the minutes of this Company, and also that a copy be sent to the Hillsborough Recorder for publication.


Lieut. WM. E. MCMANNEN, Com.

Serg’t. T. L. COOLEY, Com.


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]