Hillsborough Recorder

Sept. 4, 1861

Page 3


For the soldiers—Sheriff Jones acknowledges the following contributions:

Mrs. F. C. P. Hill, four blankets; Mrs. Col. H. Bagley, two blankets; Mrs. E. & Wm. S. Strudwick, four blankets and five pair of socks; Mrs. H. N. Brown, two blankets; Mrs. C. C. Strowd, four blankets; Mrs. James Webb, two blankets; Mrs. Thomas Webb, one blanket; Mrs. Samuel F. Phillips, one blanket.

The ladies of Hillsborough and vicinity have been liberal in their contributions for the comfort of the soldiers who have been engaged in the service of their country, and several large boxes containing their gifts have been forwarded to Yorktown, Manassas, and other places.  The estimated value of the first box sent was over three hundred dollars, and five other boxes have since been forwarded.  They have not yet closed their efforts, and their hearts are still open and their hands busy in preparing other things to follow.

[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]