Greensborough Patriot

December 11, 1862

Page 4


            NEGRO PATRIOTISM—Benj. Marable, Esq., of Halifax county Va., has four negro men who for some time have been engaged working on the fortifications at Richmond.  A few days ago they came up home on a visit and finding good warm clothing, excellent shoes and socks made for them they generously declined them on condition that their master would send them to the suffering soldiers who they said needed them much more than they did.  They had seen suffering soldiers, and it touched their hearts to compassion; besides they want the South to conquer the enemy.  Now how many miserable money grabbers and Shylocks with white skin but hearts blacker than the hides of these contrabands would have been as self-sacrificing, generous and magnanimous?  Not one!  The articles thus contributed by these colored men would buy several barrels of corn at the extortioner’s price.  Let many white men think of this.

            --Milton Chronicle--


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]