Hillsborough Recorder

August 28, 1861

Page 3


It will be seen by the following special order that Gen. Beauregard is determined to enforce the return of articles taken from the field of battle:

The General Commanding has learned with regret, that after the brilliant victory achieved through the gallantry of the Confederate troops on the 21st ultimo, that arms, supplies, and munitions of war, have been appropriated by the inhabitants of the surrounding country, not attached to the army, whereby the Government suffers material loss in its ability to prosecute the war with such vigor as will drive the invaders from Virginia soil.  The General cannot but believe that such acts have been done through ignorance that all such articles are the property of the Government.  It is therefore ordered:

I.        That all arms, horses, wagons, harness, munitions of war, and supplies and stores of all descriptions, so appropriated, shall be delivered to the nearest commanding officer.

II.     That each commanding officer, upon the receipt of such public property, shall forthwith deliver the same to the Quartermaster at Manassas Junction.

III.   That such persons as fail to comply with this order shall be dealt with in the most prompt and summary manner.

By command of Gen. Beauregard


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]