Hillsborough Recorder (NC)

May 15, 1861

Page 2


                                    SOUTHERN ARMY REGULATION

            For the benefit of many persons who have made inquiry as to the regulation of the Confederate States army we publish the following items:

            Under the bill for the public defence [sic] 100,000 volunteers can be accepted, who will be subject to the rules governing the regular army.  The term of service will be twelve months.  All volunteers must be tendered by the governor of a State.  Each regiment is composed of ten companies, each consisting of one captain, three lieutenants, four sergeants, four corporals, two buglers, and ninety privates.  The pay for colonel is one hundred and seventy-five dollars per month; lieutenant colonel, one hundred and seventy dollars; major, one hundred and fifty dollars; captain, one hundred and eight dollars; first lieutenant, ninety dollars; second lieutenant, eighty dollars; first sergeant, twenty-one dollars; other sergeants, seventeen dollars; corporals and artificers, thirteen dollars; privates, eleven dollars; with yearly allowance of clothing and one ration per day.  The Volunteers are expected to furnish their own uniforms, and will be paid in money by the Confederate States Government when mustered into service.  Each regiment has a quartermaster with the rank of Captain, and commissary with equal rank; a surgeon and assistant surgeon.