The Greensborough Patriot

May 7, 1861

Page 1


Negroes Volunteering.


About fifty three negroes in Amelia county have offered themselves to the Government for any service.


In our neighboring city of Petersburg two hundred free negroes offered for any work that might be assigned to them, either to fight under white officers, dig ditches, or anything that could show their desire to serve Old Virginia.  In the same city, a negro hackman came to his master, and insisted, with tears in his eyes, that he should accept all his savings, $100, to help equip the volunteers. – The free negroes of Chesterfield have made a similar proposition.  Such is the spirit among bond and free, through the whole of the State.  The fools and scoundrels who calculate on a different state of things, will soon discover their mistake. – Dispatch.