Greensborough Patriot
August 28, 1862
Page 2
the Patriot
Va., Aug. 13, 1862
Editors:--Will you please allow me through your column to express the heartfelt
thanks of the “Governor’s Horse Guards” of Georgia, to many kind citizens of
your place, for favors done them during their brief sojourn in your town? With only a few of our kind benefactors were
we fortunate enough to form as acquaintance, and many of them we did not even
learn the name. Their kindness to us,
however, is none the less highly appreciated, and will be treasured up in
memory’s store-house as among the pleasantest incidents of our experience while
in service. We have always entertained a
high regard for the character of the good people of the Old North State; but we
must confess that we have never before appreciated them for their true
worth. It is no small compliment to say
that in passing three times, since we entered the service of the Confederacy,
from Georgia to Virginia, we have not in all our travels, received so much kind
attention as during our march from Charlotte to this place. We had the pleasure of meeting the ladies of
only one family in your town, but if they are only fair specimens of their sex in
your midst, truly yours are “noble women,” and we cannot wonder at their
generous kindness to stranger soldiers.
In conclusion, we would assure you that next to the people of our own
loved mother State, we will ever cherish a fond regard for the people of North
Very respectfully,
NICHOLS, 1st Lt.
Comd’g Governor’s Horse Brigade, Phillips’ Legion
[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]